Core Teachings

You are a radiant child of eternal light

You are a radiant child of eternal light. Remind yourself that You come from God, that you are showered with Infinite love. Feel divine grace and love in your heart, radiating through every aspect of your life.

On Breath

Our breath is our connection to all that is, to the source of life. Breathe consciously. Breathe peace; breathe joy; breathe the pure intelligence and infinite energy that pervades and orders the universe into every cell of your body.

On Grace

The sublime vibrations of all those who have been living a holy life, a life dedicated to divinity, are always around us. All of that grace surrounds us. It permeates every atom of the Universe and is always available to each of us.

Grace is always working on a very subtle plane. We may not be conscious of it, but it is always working. Every time we have an intuitive glimpse, every time we have a subtler feeling, every time we are drawn toward something good, toward something higher in life, that is grace working.

Life is a Celebration

Life becomes a celebration when our feeling hearts are open to the wonder and beauty of life’s simplest gifts. To breathe, to see, to hear, to feel, to touch, to smell, to dance in joy, to see the colors in the sky are all miracles.

All of the beauty in life that we are seeking is in the present. Simply to be alive and to breathe are inherently joyful. The more you affirm the goodness and beauty of where and who you truly are, the more you glow, the more you grow in consciousness.

On Making Your Mind Your Best Friend

Your mind is the instrument with which you are working, whether to uplift yourself or to lower yourself. Know that which allows your mind to be anchored in the divine. That kind of mind is your true friend. That kind of mind sustains you through the turbulence and vagaries of life.`

Never allow your mind to fall into a downward spiral. It snowballs. Lift your mind with your own mind. Uplift yourself by yourself. It is the mind which is in bondage. Lift yourself up. Lift to the higher realms of spirit within you.

On Ego

Ego separates. It is the sense of separation from All that is, from others, and from God. The only way to experience perennial peace and happiness is to pierce the veil of ego, to transmute the illusion of separation whenever it arises.

Our lifelong dissatisfaction and pain are due to our separation from our Beloved, from the truth of who we are.

Ego is not wrong or bad. Ego is not to be feared, judged, or rejected. It is the ladder that we use to scale the ultimate height of Unity Consciousness. There is no need to condemn our ego. Accepting it as a gift, we sublimate it through surrender. We simply witness it. We acknowledge it. We let it humble us.

On Compassion

We are all trapped in our projected thoughts, ideas, and preconceptions. We fall prey to the games of the mind, into self-deception. Cultivate compassion for all the ways in which we humans lose our way. Know that all limitations will ultimately fall away to reveal the truth of the Divine Spirit, whose home is your heart.

Focusing on every difficult situation with compassion, the light of our inner temple brightens. The more we are attacked with negativity, the greater our opportunity to grow in awareness and compassion.

Compassion brings its most powerful blessings to the heart in which it is born. Being compassionate toward another, you are first and foremost being generous and kind to yourself. Compassion’s sweet energies first wash through your own heart, filling your mind, renewing and magnifying the life of your spirit. It is only then they flow out to the other person and ultimately into the world.

Our compassion has to be active. We are part of the whole. What wealth, what light and joy and well-being we have in life, we are meant to share.

On Finding Peace

We have the peace of the world in our Being, yet we look for peace in illusory, external objects. Tending to the embers of consciousness, we come home to oneness and to peace.

Sakshibhav (Witnessing) Meditation

There are two “I”s in you. One says, “l am this, I am that, I need this, I need to do that, I am tired, I am fine”. Below that constant chatter, there is a deeper, silent “I”. This “I” is just there. It does nothing. It sees, it knows, and is aware, but it is detached. The first “I” is the ego. The second “I” is Sakshi, the Witness.

In Sakshibhav meditation, we consciously step back to the Witnessing “I”. We pause, observing our breath. We are no longer resisting, no longer judging, no longer reacting, no longer fanning anger or frustration. We are not trying to fix anything. We are simply seeing, being present to what is. Our awareness expands. Our mind calms. Compassion arises. The doorway to peace opens. Grace descends. The light of pure consciousness, dawns. We come back to our Beloved again and again, home in the divine embrace!

On Traditional Charity vs Self Help

Traditional charity traps the receiver by creating dependency. It diminishes the receiver’s sense of capacity to improve his or her own life. Self-help is essential to preserving dignity and strengthening the capacity of the poor.

With the dignity and creative power of the soul obscured by dependence, the poor will remain forever poor.

The only way to address the root cause of poverty is holistic education. Our services address the systemic sources of poverty while providing the foundation and means for the poor to lift their own lives. Our goal is to stimulate awareness in those we serve of the gifts they already have, along with the experience of creating wealth, inner and outer, through their own efforts.


About Bodhi


Feeling Hearts