About this book

Thakur (Sri Sri Bhajan Brahmachari) is the epitome of pure, unconditional love for all. His life, like the lives of other great Yogis and Seers, gives us inspiration, hope and clarity to help illuminate our path. Only his message of pure love can save Mother Earth in these challenging times. I pray this book will bring him alive for you to experience, trust and confide in.

  • “Please understand that there are too many miracles in the life of my Master to include them all here. A truly enlightened Master never does anything to show his or her power. Though they manifest supernatural powers, they only do so to reveal and call us to the path of love by living and acting with compassion through their own mundane life. From the heights of egoless, pure divinity, the love of the Great Masters always flows with the singular purpose of awakening sleeping souls to their own, infinite possibilities and joy.”

  • 5.0 of 5 stars
    Wonderful Spiritual Book
    Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2020
    Verified Purchase

    Just love this book. The book is a fascinating story that is true. It is about an Indian boy who was born for a spiritual life from his very birth. His life was so incredible, it is hard for us to believe that a person could live such a life. His Path was the Path of Love. The photo cover of him conveys his message of Love for the world and its peoples. He was an ordinary person who came to live a life of spirituality and joy and love. The Author lived with him for many years.

  • The Essence of Love

    Love is the pure energy holding everything in the universe together. Every atom, every cell, everything in the universe is enveloped with its purest essence, its sublime energy. It is love energy that sustains the creative process. It is love that unites all apparent fragmentation into a cohesive unity that maintains harmony and peace. All efforts of humanity find their ultimate fulfillment in love. At the societal level, love brings about a sense of security that assures self-preservation. When we are loved, we feel secure at the physical and emotional level.

    When we love animals and plants, they flourish and grow. Experiments have proved that everything in the universe responds at a higher vibratory level when exposed to even the sound or written form of the word ‘love’. Love is the language of nature, of the universe, of the Divine. In the absence of love energy, everything gets corrupted into disharmony and discord and is ultimately destroyed if love is not recovered. At the physical level, it helps in the very process of self-preservation and sustenance of an individual, a family, or society at large.

    When love is directed towards the light of our soul, our soul-consciousness is preserved. The seeker experiences a sense of security not just at a gross physical level, but also at the quantum level of consciousness. Security reaches the point where an individual goes beyond the fear of death and annihilation to a state of deathless immortality. It is love that dispels the darkness of the fear of death and destruction by giving the intuitive experience of soul consciousness, which is deathless. The great saints and sages rise above the societal need of love for self-preservation at gross physical level. They go through the arduous spiritual journey to transcend all limitations of the physical to enter that boundless space of love that pervades and preserves both individual and universal existence. That is the reason all disciplines of Yoga philosophy culminate in unity, in integral synthesis, in the ultimate symphony of Love divine.

    The question then arises: Is ‘love’ a verb or a noun? Is love something doable? Is it a subjective abstraction or a pure experience? We have always understood that we need to love others; we need to show our love; we need to express our love. All of this has gone into our individual and collective psyche: that love is something that we need to do. If we see the harsh reality of the history of humankind and the present state of the human mind, love has remained more at the physical level, as something that can be demanded and controlled, even as something to be owned. All frictions, all falling out of love, are due to fallacies of perception. Love is a soul reality that has been distorted by perception and reduced to the physical level.

    Love is the essential state of our unified being. All sense of separation is created by the false perceptions inherent in our dualistic view of life. We are attracted to things that we love. We want to possess what we love. But can we ever get love by force? What science tears apart by force, splitting and dividing to explore reality, is that reality? What is lost in the process?

    What is the difference between a scientist and a mystic lover? Both want to know the secrets of the Universe. Both want to unveil the mask that covers the face of reality. A scientist splits and divides to reach an answer, while the mystic as lover surrenders the false sense of ego that separates the lover from the loved. Through intense love, the mystic reaches the point where reality stands unveiled, in its true nature. The scientist forces nature. The mystic surrenders and merges into nature, allowing nature to reveal its secret out of love. This is pure love, our innermost true nature. When our false identity with physicality drops, our spiritual beingness manifests the magnificence of love that is transcendental, eternal and abiding.

    Love in its essence is never physical, though at the gross level it is perceived in this manner. As humans evolve through love of the physical world, which is essentially rooted in attachment, we gradually experience its limitations and pain. Then the search outside for love turns inward. Through continual contemplation of the Beloved and through meditation on Light, the mind is purified. Pure mind is identical to our soul, our spirit. Love that begins as an external search is then internalized as an experience of the innermost state of soul consciousness. Love changes from verb to noun. No effort is needed any more. It is as spontaneous as fragrance to a fresh, blossoming flower. The eternal lovers, the mystics and saints of every faith tradition of the world, have always said that Love is God. Only in a godly state of soul consciousness can we experience the grandeur of Pure Love that Bhajan experienced.